Veil Fitness exists for those who wish to go beyond the ordinary. Just as a veil serves to separate, our training programs are designed to set individuals apart in physical and mental strength, offering a transformative edge in the pursuit of peak performance. The Veil Fitness experience is about moving beyond the visible, uncovering the extraordinary potential within each individual.



Excellence in Training

Crafting elite performance through science-backed methodology and real-world application.

We don’t believe in gimmicks. No endless scrolling through thousands of workouts or current trending routines. We relentlessly cut back the unnecessary to create a training system designed for exceptional results. Our mindset is simple: Training designed to produce maximum benefit, enabling performance beyond the ordinary.


Everyday Warriors

Celebrating the strength and resolve of our members, who show up day after day to push past personal boundaries.

In the end, we want you to not only look exceptional, but also use your training in everyday life with outstanding performance. Whether it’s rucking miles in the back country, standing on top of mountain summits, competing at high athletic levels, or simply living an active life as an everyday warrior - we designed this training for you.


Superhuman Achievement

Pursuing beyond the ordinary to reach the realms of extraordinary ability and power.

Our training programs are both simple and highly effective, back by science, easily customizable, from which you can achieve lifelong results. Results that, with consistent training, will be far from ordinary. Because much like you, we are not satisfied with ordinary. We believe in the ability to achieve performance on a superhuman level. 


A few years ago while recovering from a serious injury, I came across the method of planned training progression for maximal strength and the science behind it. I was hooked. 

Personally, muscle mass is only beneficial to the extent that I can still functionally use it. From my early days doing PT and fun runs, later as a competitive triathlete, to now as a coach and outdoor athlete, I train to be able to perform exceptionally well in multiple areas. Areas such as long-course obstacle challenge events, backcountry multi-day treks with a 50lb pack, competing in distance races, or climbing 14ers in the Rockies. 

While load progression in weight training is nothing new, I was missing the maximal strength focus and the simplicity it provides. I have used many involved methods and systems over the years. Invariably I would either hit a plateau and get stuck, or find myself injured in some way. I reasoned there had to be a better way that was far simpler, and could produce incredible results.

The programs you will find here are the result of this quest. Originating from decades of experience and based on science, through extensive field testing in collaboration with other exceptional athletes, the team and I at Veil Fitness are proud to present these programs to you. Training that is brutally effective in its simplicity, which if you commit to consistently will allow you to achieve superhuman levels of fitness. 

If you’re ready to go beyond ordinary and take your fitness to extraordinary levels, I invite you to join us.

Be Superhuman,
